3 Things I’m Looking Forward to About TruthXchange 2012

This morning I’m on the road to (hopefully) sunny Escondido, California, to take in the TruthXchange’s 2012 Think Tank, The Beauty of Two. This will be my third TruthXchange event in as many years, and I’m very excited for the opportunity to attend. (And if you’re attending, Awaiting a Savior is going to be carried in the conference bookstore!) Here are three things I’m really looking forward to about the event:

1. The hopeful focus. While the last several years of TruthXchange events have focused on the dangers of One-ism (that is, the opposing worldview to Christianity), this year is devoted to exploring “the beauty of Two”—the beauty of the Christian worldview and the distinction between creation and Creator. It’s incredibly important to be aware of the differences between the truth and the lie, but one of the dangers of being immersed in the lie (One-ism) for too long is that you can lose sight of the wonder and majesty of God and His glory. I’m very grateful for the change in focus this year; I’m sure it will be beneficial to all who attend and the speakers.

2. The content. Last year’s conference was incredibly informative and engaging (if a bit exhausting—the days are packed!), and this year’s event promises to be as well. I’m really looking forward to sessions with Peter Jones on the Doctrine of God, Dennis E. Johnson on the Incarnation and James Wanliss on Science. No doubt the biggest challenge will be avoiding the headache that comes with mental overload (the days for this event are really long, but very worth it).

3. Seeing some good friends (and hopefully making a few new ones). I was privileged to meet Chris Poblete and Matt Ford at last year’s Think Tank and we’ve maintained a long-distance friendship since. I’m really looking forward to seeing Chris again (and hopefully getting to hang out with Matt if his schedule allows), and seeing who else I wind up getting connected with.

Throughout the week, I’ll undoubtedly be live-blogging a number of the sessions, so be sure to keep an eye out—the Think Tank begins this afternoon.

8 thoughts on “3 Things I’m Looking Forward to About TruthXchange 2012”

  1. Pingback: Around the Interweb | Blogging Theologically | Jesus, Books, Culture, & Theology

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  3. Emily Armstrong

    You left your sandals in the living room, so hopefully none of the events take place on the beach 😉

  4. Aaron,  Thanks so much for telling us about this event.   Hoping some of the sessions will be posted online.  The Transcendence of God appears to be becoming lost in the mire these days.   Have a great time!

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