3 thoughts on what I’m reading right now

As always, I’ve got a few books on the go. The mix this time around is a bit heavier on the Christian living side, which is actually a bit of a shift for me of late. But it’s a good thing since a solid Christian book can be a great help in growing in my faith. Here are a few thoughts on what I’m reading:

A Long Obedience in the Same Direction by Eugene Peterson. I’ve read bits and pieces of this, but I really should have sat down with it a long time ago. This book is good for my soul. 

On Reading Well by Karen Swallow Prior. Karen and I think along similar lines as far as reading widely and reading wisely are concerned. Also, she needs to come on the podcast sometime. It’ll be fun. 

The Expected One by Scott James. This is our third or fourth time through this book, and I love how the conversations we’re having as a family are changing as my kids get older. We’re trying to encourage them to not just answer questions in generalities and royal we’s, but answer from a personal level. It’s challenging, but so, so good. 

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