If you ask group of readers questions about their favorite books, you’re in for a treat. We had a lot of fun when Dave asked Barnabas and Aaron a series of questions from Goodreads a few episodes ago, so by popular demand (i.e. we wanted to), we’re answering a few more on today’s show! We’re also answering some by our good listeners, too. (Thanks, Richard and Megan.)
Listen as we answer:
- What does a 5-star review mean to each of us?
- Which book (or books) have we re-read the most?
- Which book (or books) do you wish you could read again for the first time and why?
- Which character in a book would you like to sucker punch in the face?
- What’s the best book you’ve received as a present?
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Giveaway: The first 10 people who send to a screenshot of their 5-star review with @malcontentspod get a copy of Barnabas’ most recent book, [easyazon_link identifier=”1433691922″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]The Curious Christian: How Discovering Wonder Enriches Every Part of Life[/easyazon_link]. So get on that, will ya?
A few books that we discussed on the show include:
- [easyazon_link identifier=”0345538374″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings[/easyazon_link] by JRR Tolkien
- [easyazon_link identifier=”0060598247″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]The Chronicles of Narnia[/easyazon_link] by C.S. Lewis
- [easyazon_link identifier=”1573225517″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]High Fidelity[/easyazon_link] by Nick Hornby
- [easyazon_link identifier=”0812983580″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay[/easyazon_link] by Michael Chabon
- [easyazon_link identifier=”0743273567″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]The Great Gatsby[/easyazon_link] by F. Scott Fitzgerald
- [easyazon_link identifier=”0553578278″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]Shooting at Midnight[/easyazon_link] by Greg Rucka
- [easyazon_link identifier=”1501179403″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st Airborne from Normandy to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest[/easyazon_link] by Stephen Ambrose
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B000RH0C8G” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game[/easyazon_link] by Michael Lewis
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B008KUU8YA” locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]Live from New York: An Uncensored History of Saturday Night Live[/easyazon_link] by James Andrew Miller and Tom Shales
- [easyazon_link identifier=”0812974492″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption[/easyazon_link] by Laura Hillenbrand
- [easyazon_link identifier=”0142003441″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]Good Poems[/easyazon_link] by Garrison Keillor
- [easyazon_link identifier=”0060688246″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]A Severe Mercy[/easyazon_link] by Sheldon Vanauken
- [easyazon_link identifier=”0802144179″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]So Brave, Young, and Handsome[/easyazon_link] by Leif Enger
- [easyazon_link identifier=”1250083311″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]Leonard: My Fifty-Year Friendship with a Remarkable Man[/easyazon_link] by William Shatner
- [easyazon_link identifier=”B004UM0LN0″ locale=”US” nw=”y” tag=”strongarm-20″]A Long Obedience in the Same Direction[/easyazon_link] by Eugene Peterson
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