A big announcement on a special day…

As many of you may know, April 1 is an important day in my life as an author. It is the day when many of my most well-received books have been announced or released. Epic made its way into peoples’ hands on that day. The Bar Is Low brought a realistic view of what marriage can be. And today, I have the pleasure of announcing a new book.

It is a book still without a title, but one that has been nagging at me in the background for 6 years:

It’s a book for adult new believers trying to figure out the mess of being an adult new believer (and how the church can help them) by someone who was an adult new believer.

This book is tentatively planned to be released in Spring 2022 from the good people at Lexham Press. Lots of work to do, but I’m excited for you all go read it this time next year.

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