Advance Memoirs, Nick Cage’s Pyramid Tomb, & Recording Around Landscaping

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Coming to you from an undisclosed location in Franklin Tennessee, Dave and I are back together, and we’ve got a friend with us! Scarlet Hiltibidal, longtime friend of the podcast, is joining us on the show. 

For how long? The short answer is, as long as she wants. 

Listen in as we discuss:

  • Dave’s first week at the new job
  • The books Scarlet pitched that someone needs to pick up
  • What other pop culture phenomenon should Twilight be compared to
  • The things that might surprise you about publishing celebrity memoirs
  • What books about Nicholas Cage exist on Amazon
  • Scarlet’s beef with Barnabas

All while landscaping work is happening outside the conference room window.

A few of the books mentioned on this episode

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