Awaiting a Savior: now available in Portuguese!

We can do it—we can end extreme poverty in our generation!

Or so we’re told.

For years I’d heard this rallying cry, but it never sat right with me. While I admired the passion of those who called the evangelical church to act on behalf of the global poor, the focus always seemed to come back to us: our ingenuity, our money, and our reputation. But no one was talking about the elephant in the room: Where does poverty really come from—and what does God have to say about it?

My first book, Awaiting a Savior: The Gospel, the New Creation, and the End of Povertywas written to set the answer to these questions within the story of redemption and, in doing so, discover what God truly expects of us as we care for those in need. This book’s message isn’t what most people want to hear, but it’s what we all need. It reminds us that we’re not responsible for ending poverty, but for loving those who are trapped in it.

Since the book’s release, I’ve been amazed to see people get this—and to experience the freedom to care for the poor that comes from it. Today I’m excited to announce, along with Cruciform Press that Awaiting a Savior is now available in Portuguese as O Fim Da Pobreza, as part of Cruciform Press’ partnership with Vida Nova in Brazil.


I am thrilled about this new Portuguese translation of Awaiting a Savior, because it means that many more people will have an opportunity to find encouragement from the bigger picture of poverty that the Bible offers. Together, Christians can look forward to the end of poverty in the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, who puts an end to all suffering and who makes all things new.

If you haven’t already had a chance to read this book, be sure to grab a copy today, and be sure to enter next week’s 20Twosdays giveaway at to win a copy of this book and Contend: Defending the Faith in a Fallen World.

Note: This update is adapted from the jointly produced statement released at

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