An open Bible being read

If the Bible is the Word of God…

An open Bible being read

The number one indicator of spiritual growth is daily Bible study. I am reminded of this statistic at least twice a week, often by my officemate Jesse. And it’s true, of course. There is no substitute for the consistent study of God’s Word. A Christian doesn’t truly grow without engaging with the Bible because it is in the Bible that God “speaks” to us.

But it’s easy to forget, isn’t it? We treat the Bible as if it were a mere book. Some drift away into believing the Bible is true at all. But if the Bible is what it says it is—the Word of God—then we cannot allow forgetfulness, drifting or doubts to draw us away from this book. If the Bible is the Word of God, we must read it. J.C. Ryle put it well in his tract, “Inspiration”:

Is the Bible the Word of God? Then mind that you do not neglect it. Read it! Begin to read it this very day. What greater insult to God can a man be guilty of than to refuse to read the letter God sends him from heaven? Oh, be sure, if you will not read your Bible, you are in fearful danger of losing your soul!

Is the Bible the Word of God? Then be sure you always read it with deep reverence. Say to your soul, whenever you open the Bible, “O my soul, you are going to read a message from God!”

Is the Bible the Word of God? Then be sure you never read it without fervent prayer for the help and teaching of the Holy Spirit. Humble prayer will throw more light on your Bible than any commentary that ever was written. You will not understand it unless your heart is right. You will find it a sealed book without the teaching of the Holy Spirit. Its contents are often hidden from the wise and learned, and revealed to babes.

Is the Bible the Word of God? Then let us all resolve from this day forward to prize the Bible more. God has given us the Bible to be a light to guide us to everlasting life. Let us not neglect this precious gift. Let us read it diligently, and walk in its light.

Friend, if the Bible is the Word of God, read it. Read it with prayer and reverence. Read it diligently, expecting to be transformed by it. Read it knowing that in its pages, we learn of Jesus, the one who gives us everlasting life. Read the Word, and “walk in its light”.

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