2015 wound up being one of my most eclectic reading years ever. I read a ton of fiction, graphic novels, books for school, books for review purposes, and a few other things for personal edification. In 2016, I’m looking forward to continuing this trend to some degree (though I might try to be a bit more intentional about it).
Here are a few books I’m looking forward to reading in 2016. Maybe you’ll see something you want to read, too:
Unashamed by Lecrae (B&H Publishing). Based on everything I’ve heard in interviews and read in articles, Lecrae, a two-time Grammy winning rap artist, who is respected by his peers in secular and faith-focused music circles, is an interesting dude. I’m looking forward to reading about his personal story in Unashamed, and how he strives to honor Christ in the opportunities God has given him.
Family Worship by Donald S. Whitney (Crossway). I am always looking for ways to better lead and engage my family in our worship together. I’m looking forward to reading what Don Whitney has to say on this matter, and what I can implement here at home.
Church in Hard Places by Mez McConnell & Mike McKinley (Crossway). Ministry among those in need is a subject that’s near and dear to me, so I’m intrigued to see how the authors tackle it. That one of the authors of When Helping Hurts has written the foreword is a good sign, though.
How to Be an Atheist: Why Many Skeptics Aren’t Skeptical Enough by Mitch Stokes (Crossway). This book has definitely got my attention, if for the title alone. I’ll be interested to see how this book lines up in terms of its audience: is it going to be a book for those who already agree with the author, or one that an atheist would actually read?
Do Ask, Do Tell, Let’s Talk: Why and How Christians Should Have Gay Friends by Brad Hambrick (Cruciform Press). It’s an issue that’s not going away, and we’ve got to do a better job of, y’know, treating people who are attracted to members of the same sex as people while not giving ground on the Bible’s teaching on sexuality. Hambrick’s book should be a help in this.
Why bother with church? by Sam Allberry (The Good Book Company). As Christians continue to consider whether or not the institutional church is optional, it’s important to have good, accessible resources to point people to if they have questions about why church matters. I’m hopeful that this will be one I’ll be able to give to anyone who has questions.
Zeal without Burnout by Christopher Ash (The Good Book Company). The longer I’m involved in ministry, the more I understand why people burn out. This book, which deals with equipping eager believers to serve for the long haul, looks promising.
The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings by Philip and Carol Zaleski (Farrar, Straus And Giroux). This book actually came out in 2015, but didn’t make it onto my radar until fairly recently. As a fan of both Tolkien and Lewis, I’m eager to learn more about their association with one another and Owen Barfield and Charles Williams.
Batman by Ed Brubaker Vol. 1 (DC Comics). I loved the sensibility Ed Brubaker brought to Batman in the late 1990s and early 2000s, capturing the importance of Batman as “Detective” (something he and fellow former Bat-scribe Greg Rucka had in common), while still embracing the superhero factor. It’ll be fun to revisit his run on the series.
So, those are a few of the titles I’m looking forward to in 2016. What about you?
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