The Gospel Coalition’s 2015 national conference begins this coming Monday, which means in just a couple of days, I’ll be hitting the road for Orlando for a few days of teaching on the new creation, conversations with far off friends I don’t see nearly often enough, and, hopefully, a little time in the sun.
And because I’m going to be sitting on a plane for a few hours each way, it’s also a great opportunity to catch up on some reading. Although I’m almost certainly not going to get to everything (because that’d be silly), here’s a look at what I’m packing:
What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung. I’m about half done this one already, so it might not actually make it onto the plane. Incidentally, if you’re at the conference, you can get a copy for $5 in the bookstore. If not, be sure to get it while it’s on sale at Westminster Bookstore.
Blind Spots: Becoming a Courageous, Compassionate,and Commissioned Church by Collin Hansen. What I’ve seen of this, I’ve really liked, so it might be my next read after DeYoung’s book. This is also another one of the $5 deals in the conference bookstore that is worth considering.
Defying ISIS by Johnnie Moore. Moore’s book came on my radar just recently, and thankfully I’ve been able to get my hands on a copy. Looking forward to seeing how he handles the subject matter.
Fear and Faith by Trillia Newbell. Trillia’s new book is one that showed up in my mailbox last week. This one I’m looking forward to almost more because I enjoy how Trillia writes (that’s a huge part of what makes a book worth reading for me—style).
Experiencing the Trinity: The Grace of God for the People of God by Joe Thorn. I’ve been meaning to get to this one for a while now, and just haven’t had the opportunity to start. Thorn’s last book, Note to Self, was terrific and I have high hopes for this one, too (especially based on my friend Joey’s recommendation of it).
I’ll also be continuing my trek through Reformed Dogmatics, Vol. 3: Sin and Salvation in Christ by Herman Bavinck. Conference or no, I’m on a schedule, and I’ve already had to push back my completion date once. Thankfully, this one will be particularly easy to pack since it’s sitting in my Logos app.
While at the conference, I’m actually not planning on purchasing any books, although that may be easier said than done. There’s a title or two I already know will be there that I’ve been meaning to take a look at…
Travelling to TGC this weekend? What are you planning to read along the way?
Looking forward to the conference on Monday – Live to close to get much reading done on the way though (The RTS-Orlando campus is actually about 40 minutes away). Plus, people don’t like to see you reading systematic theology books while driving on I-4. I’ll keep an eye out for both you and Kevin and will say hello if I see you.
Always fun to meet ‘Twitter people’ in real life.
Definitely! I think a couple of guys are trying to plan an informal get together for some time on Monday or Tuesday night.
Very cool. I’ll DM you my contact info on Twitter. Would love to get in on that if it comes together.
I’d love to be included as well. Looking forward to it!
I’ll keep you both in the loop, for sure.
Also digging into the DeYoung book, probably finishing Tripp’s Dangerous Calling (which is breaking me–in a good way), and maybe starting another CS Lewis book…
I loved reading Dangerous Calling. One of the two most important modern ministry books I’ve ever read.