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Okay, I’ll admit: when I see the words “Christian” and “fiction” together, I generally assume the book with that label will be terrible. But that is also totally unfair of me, because while there is a lot of bad fiction written by and for Christian audiences, there are are also really good books that can fall under this label. And our friend Jared Wilson, author of many, many books, has written one of them that’s out now called Echo Island. Jared joined Dave and me (while Scarlet was reading the book on a plane) to talk about storytelling, Vermont, and the good news that this is not a Rapture book.
Listen in as we discuss:
- Why Jared wanted to write this story
- Why we can’t actually talk about the book too much without giving away pretty much the whole plot
- The honesty of New Englanders about their faith (or lack thereof)
- Why calling Echo Island a good book isn’t a throwaway compliment
- How fiction help your imagination as a writer and as a reader
- The relationship between storytelling and close-up magic
- Why people who are jaded or cynical toward Christian fiction (or fiction by Christians) should give this book a shot
Echo Island is available now through your favorite bookseller. Get a copy for yourself
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