Coming Soon: Epic Devotions!

A few months back, my most recent major project, Epic: The Story That Changed the World, released to a great deal of positive response. Well, in just a few short weeks, Epic is going to have a new kid brother: Epic Devotions: 52 Weeks in the Story that Changed the World!

Family Devotions Through the Big Story of Scripture

Epic Devotions takes middle-grade readers through the big story of Scripture in 52 weekly readings with relevant discussion and application questions. Like Epic before it, this book is an excellent way to help your older kids and preteens engage with the gospel story, and I hope you’ll check it out. 

Take a look inside:

Epic Devotions is available for preorder from Amazon, LifeWay, and most other major resellers. If you’re looking for a helpful gift for Christmas, this would be a great one to consider!

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