Criticism & Community, Side Hustles, and the Power of Moments

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Continuing our adventures in balmy Minneapolis, Dave and I had the chance to chat with our friend Jeremy Writebol. Jeremy is the director of Gospel-Centered Discipleship (our sponsor for the last few episodes), as well as an author and a pastor. During our chat in a relatively quiet executive lounge, we discussed:

  • The time I gave Jeremy a critical review on his book
  • Dave’s commitment to the show and our long introductions
  • Why we need to have a community around us, especially as writers
  • What it’s like to build an editorial process from scratch
  • How reading broadly (and beyond your intended genre or field) will make you a better writer
  • What would it be like to write a story about just one moment
  • What a good side gig looks like
  • How writing gives an opportunity to serve the church globally and not just locally
  • When you can mark a book as “done” on Goodreads

This episode is sponsored by Gospel-Centered Discipleship. On April 13th, GCD will host their 2020 Writer’s Intensive in Louisville KY (right before T4G) featuring Ronnie Martin, Jonathan Dodson and Jared C. Wilson. Learn more and register at

A few of the books we mentioned on this episode:

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