Five books I can’t wait to read

There are few words sweeter to me than Abigail saying, “You got a new book in the mail, Dad.”

A pause.

“Can I read it?”

It’s always a good day when new books arrive at the Armstrong home because all of us are always looking for something that looks promising. And thankfully, it has been a good couple of weeks in that regard. An interesting assortment of titles manage to find their way into my mailbox every month, and every so often one is placed in my hands by a coworker or a friend (or both).

Here are five that I’m particularly excited about (even if Abigail’s not allowed to read them yet):

Enjoy by Trillia Newbell. Trillia is a great writer—in the Christian market, she’s among those I enjoy the most—and someone I’m grateful to count as a friend. And the premise of her latest book is fantastic: are we really allowed to enjoy the world around us? Most of us would probably say “yes,” but quite honestly, I’m not sure how many of us really believe it based on how little joy many of us seem to have. I’m looking forward to learning from her in this book.

The Curious Christian by Barnabas Piper. This is another book that I’m excited about, in part because it’s the space I live in (especially with books). What I’m looking forward to about this book comes out of Barnabas’ desire to impart more than new information (an increased understanding of curiosity and its role in the Chrisitan life), but to create a desire to live differently in light of that.

Reset by David Murray. David is one of the sharpest and most practical writers I know. Based on my brief flip-through and read of the cover, this is one could be extremely helpful, especially for those of us who tend to work until we drop as a lifestyle.

Superman Vol. 1: Son of Superman by Peter Tomasi, Patrick Gleason, and Dough Mahnke. It’s been a long time since I’ve been excited to read a Superman comic book. A very long time. He was one of the characters who fared the worst in DC’s “New 52” reboot, but in the “Rebirth” era, his titles are a high point. The creative team did amazing work telling a father-son story with Batman and Robin, and are now doing the same with Superman and his ten-year-old son, Jonathan (who will undoubtedly take the name Superboy at some point).

The Green Ember by SD Smith. Abigail is desperate for me to read this book. I bought a copy of it on Barnabas’ recommendation (I think), and she plowed through it two or three times in a weekend. She received its prequel and sequel for Christmas, and both have been read multiple times already as well. I am pumped about reading this book because when my daughter wants me to read something she’s found so much joy in… well, I’d be a fool not to, wouldn’t I?

So those are a few books I’m particularly excited about reading over the next few weeks. Want to join me?

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