
Five quick personal/professional updates


The last few weeks have been kind of hectic. I’ve been traveling a lot, working on big plans at work (big plans, I say!), and attempt to take a day off here and there this summer. There are a lot of irons so today, I wanted to give just a few personal and professional updates:

Seminary: Yesterday, I applied to a seminary affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. Lord willing, I’ll be starting again in the Fall or Winter, which would be pretty great. I would love to get back to continuing my education.

Podcast: Reading Writers is on a brief hiatus while I record some new episodes. I have one already completed and a few more on the way. Look for that to start up again next week, if all goes well.

Family: The past year has been both amazing and extremely difficult for us for a variety of reasons. We all love being here and definitely feel like this was the right move, but I’d be lying if I said it’s been an easy transition. The hardest part? Developing friendships and dealing with feelings of loneliness for us grown-ups.

Church: This past Sunday, was my first time serving in Kids Ministry since we left Harvest. My teammate and I taught through the aftermath of Elijah’s battle against the prophets of Baal. I loved being able to do this again. Young dudes out there, if you’re looking for opportunities to make disciples, contact your children’s ministry directors today.

Work: We’ve got a big year coming up with The Gospel Project, as you’re going to see in the coming months (nothing more can I say now). We’re entering the final year of the current study plan, which is exploring the formation of the early church, the spread of the gospel throughout the mediterranean, and the promise of the kingdom to come. And then, we head back to Genesis with an all-new study plan in Fall 2018. All the planning for that is what’s eating up a significant amount of my brain power. I love it, but it’s hard.

There’s a lot there and lots more going on besides, but that’s a quick glimpse into what’s been going on lately. If y’all are inclined, I know Emily and I would certainly appreciate your prayers as we continue to make this place feel like home.


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