Five random thoughts on things I’m reading right now


As always, I’m reading probably more things than I should be (at least, more than I should concurrently). But it might surprise you to know that not everything I read it terribly profound. Some of it is pure fun, if not downright silly. (And occasionally the profound and fun collide.)

Whatever I’m reading, I usually wind up having some big, burning question that I’m pondering—again, usually of the silly variety, but an occasionally profound one sneaks its way in every so often. Truthfully, though, you’re not going to find much that’s profound in today’s post. (But you might have a good time, nonetheless.)

So, here are a few thoughts as a result of things I’m reading right now:

1. Deep thought inspired by New Teen Titans Vol. 1:

This was one of the best comics of its era (and fun fact, for a period of time, it outsold X-Men) and my goodness, George Perez could draw the heck out of just about anything. But there’s one thing I keep wondering: were nude tights part of Robin’s short-pants outfit? Because seriously—a dude would catch his death without them.

2. One from Voyage of the Dawn Treader:

I love this book, but “performing” it (which is required in any reading of it aloud) is exhausting. Also, trying to figure out different ways to explain to my kids that certain words in the book that are bad words in some contexts, but not others, might be more exhausting that my dramatic reading.

3. On The Story of Everything:

Jared Wilson writes better than I could ever hope to, but he also makes me want to write better.

4. Supernatural is making me be smart-alecky:

The premise of the book is to recapture the supernatural worldview of the biblical authors, and overall it’s pretty decent. But when I read this:

Your reaction to everything you’ve read in this book up to this point may be something like, “Fascinating stuff—I’ve never seen that in the Bible before. But what implications does all this information have, if any at all, for my daily life and the way my church functions?” (23)

My first reaction was, “What happens if my reaction is more like, ‘But what if I’m not surprised at all?'” This is mostly because I’m a jerk.

5. One last one from Voyage of the Dawn Treader:

When I read the first line, “There was a boy called Eustace Clarence Scrubb, and he almost deserved it,” (one of my favorite lines in anything C.S. Lewis wrote—it’s so sassy), the girls responded with, “Well, he is pretty useless… wait, why would someone name their kid useless?” Apples don’t fall far from trees, as they say.

photo credit: gioiadeantoniis via photopin cc

1 thought on “Five random thoughts on things I’m reading right now”

  1. Chris Pappalardo

    I know you may be discarding comments at some point, so I’m sneaking in under the wire.

    As to “Eustace Clarence Scrubb” … at ETS last week, there was a panel on C.S. Lewis. One of the experts pointed out the beauty of that line, and said something like this, “If there was anyone who understood the burden of a name, it was the guy saddled with ‘Clive Staples Lewis.'”

    Worth a smile, at least.

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