Hope, Happiness, & Lunch Shovels

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So, many weeks ago, back in the long forgotten times when people socialized together and we recorded our podcast in-person, and before Scarlet teamed up with us to class up this show and keep it firmly in the mostly-family-friendly radio space, there was another co-host.

But his life got too busy with a new job, his other show, and a book deadline, so he had to say goodbye to his regular gig here. It took us—especially Dave—some time, but we healed. So, today, Barnabas joins us on the show to catch up!

Listen in as we discuss:

  • What we should really call endorsement requests
  • If Scarlet is becoming a weird pet person
  • Writing in normal times vs in the time of social distancing
  • Why Dave should read an advance copy of Barnabas’ new book
  • What Scarlet might like about westerns (even if she probably won’t read them)
  • The category of books Barnabas wants to sucker punch

A few of the books we mentioned this week

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