How I’m spending my Fourth of July

It’s the Fourth of July, which means everyone within a 50-mile radius of my apartment complex is taking the day off to enjoy some grilling, possibly some swimming, and most definitely setting off explosives in their driveways, backyards, and/or balconies.

(You know I’m right.)

I will be doing some of these things. I won’t be setting off explosives, oh no. There’s a bylaw in our town about such things. I will almost certainly be spending some time standing next to a grill. But there are a couple of other things I’ll be doing:

Sleeping in. I hope. This has been an issue lately.

Reading a book. Maybe not a whole one, but I’m going to keep working my way through Losing the Cape by Dan Stanford, though I might switch over to the Jackie Hill Perry one.

Writing a sample or two. There are some ideas a-brewing. I don’t know what will come of it. But if/when there’s something to share, you can bet I’ll be sharing it.

Happy America Day, everyone!

Photo: Pixabay

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