A question making its way around the blogosphere this week (largely in reaction to Christianity Today’s recent Rob Bell interview) is, “how would you tweet the gospel?”
Twitter allows you 140 characters (including spaces) to make your case. Can you do it?
Post your response in the comments section.
My attempt. It’s just a truncated version of Romans 5: 8-9. It’s exactly 140
God demonstrates his love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died 4 us. We are justified by his blood saved from his wraith
A short (though incomplete) version could also be 2 Cor 5:21:
“For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.”
Posted a blog today on Godwitter… a new “Gospel-based Twitter”. You can view it here…
Godwitter.com: Creative Community or Copycat Christians?
Thanks Ray, I’ll check it out.
Update: Checked out your comments, and I am extremely saddened, but not shocked, that someone would go to the trouble of creating yet another ghetto Christian version of something that’s actually good and useful.
Why? Why? Why?
I just can’t comprehend why something like that would exist.
If only there were an answer beyond people being silly enough to think that if they use a “secular” product, they might catch sin.
But that’s me being snarky.
k, not an answer, but today Emily yelled at me because I was thinking about joining Twitter.
Bah, join Twitter. It’s fun!
Plus, if you join Twitter, you get to follow me and Wil Wheaton! How can you pass that up?