Identifying Future Leaders and Preachers

Bryan Chapell, David Helm and Mike Bullmore discuss how to identify future pastors within your local congregations:

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Listening to this conversation was particularly encouraging and challenging. Encouraging because I’m incredibly grateful that there are organizations like Simeon Trust that exist to help train future pastors and preachers. Challenged particularly because of the comments on teaching in children’s ministry. Penny and Lisa (our children’s ministry leaders) have been asking me to do this. I suspect that I’m going to have to sometime in the near future.

Pastors, what measures do you have in place to identify future pastors within your congregations? Young guys, if you’re feeling like you’ve got a call to ministry, what opportunities are you taking advantage of—and what areas of your character stand out as one in which you need to grow?

[Video HT: John Starke]

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