Influencers of Influencers

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We’re back once again with our latest episode of Table of (mal)Contents! This week, Scarlet, Dave, and I are joined by our friend Jenaye White. Jenaye works as part of B&H Publishing Group’s marketing team, where Dave previously worked as well. Now, Dave is sure that he had a plan that would involve talking about the Enneagram as much as possible as we recorded this episode on my birthday. But he failed because I was ready for it. Instead, listen in as we discuss:

  • How book publicity has changed in 2020
  • What new insights have been discovered in the ancient (that is, the product of the 1980s) art of the enneagram (because of course I’m going to tease about it)
  • Where the influencers for books are on social media (and where do we fall on the spectrum)
  • What being behind on a reading challenge means for Dave vs Aaron

And check out the cover of American Gospel, the upcoming novel by Lin Enger (and don’t forget to pre-order your copy!):

A few of the books mentioned on today’s episode

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