As Easter approaches, news magazines gear up for another round of “Who was Jesus” type features, TV networks run yet their annual series of alternative Jesus narrative, and at least a few bloggers muse about whether or not the death and resurrection of Jesus really happened—or if they even matter.
- Did Jesus really have to die?
- What purpose did his death serve?
- Does his resurrection really matter, or can we take it or leave it?
Whether we realize it or not, the answers to these questions about the death and resurrection of Jesus are among the most hotly contested in our pluralistic culture. Many Christians believe the answers are clear and that we shouldn’t even need to answer them at all at this point. Others haven’t really given them any serious thought at all. Others still find the questions that inevitably arise during the Easter season reflect their own. They believe, but they struggle with doubt. They wrestle with uncertainty and need reassurance. So, we need to recognize that these questions really do matter. More importantly, we need to recognize that these are questions that have answers. That’s why today I’m releasing a brand-new—free ebook: Did Jesus Really Have to Die?
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This short book serves to answer these questions in two essays: The first addresses the question of whether or not Jesus really had to die by placing the death of Christ in its proper context of God’s unfolding plan of redemption. The second delves into the importance of the resurrection and whether or not Jesus really did have to return from death. It is my hope that you will be encouraged by what you read in this book, that your faith will be strengthened, and most importantly, our risen Lord will be glorified.
To get your free ebook, join the Blogging Theologically email list and your copy will be delivered straight to your inbox. I hope you enjoy it!