Join the Awaiting a Savior Blog Tour

Today I’m excited to announce the Awaiting a Savior Blog Tour! I’m looking for 20 bloggers to read the book and review it on their blogs and post their reviews on Amazon and any other online bookstores carrying it. Here’s the book’s description:

What causes poverty? What am I supposed to do about it?

These questions are driving a new generation of Christians to take action on behalf of the poor through social and political action, global partnerships, and financial generosity, as they desire to become the generation that ends poverty forever. Yet in pursuit of this goal, they risk losing sight of a fundamental reality: the root cause of poverty isn’t found in material or external circumstances. The root cause of poverty is sin— and sin is not a problem we can solve.

But Jesus can.

In Awaiting a Savior, Aaron Armstrong reminds readers that even as we are responsible for pursuing biblical solutions to poverty, our hope for truly resolving it comes not from the good we do, but from the return of Christ, who will once and for all put an end to sin, suffering and death as he brings about the new creation.

The tour runs from October 1-October 14. Want in? To receive a digital copy of the book, I’ll need the following information, which you can provide via the form below:

  1. Your name
  2. Your email address
  3. Your blog URL

Looking forward to seeing your reviews!

Thanks for your interest – all the spots on the tour have been filled!

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