Today is my last day at my current job. After today, I won’t be working there anymore.
I know. People leave jobs all the time. It’s not really that big a deal. But it kind of is. Prior to this job, the longest I’d worked anywhere was just shy of five years. I’ve been there about three months shy of nine years. My oldest child was a baby when I started there. They’ve only known me working at this ministry.
Now, I’m done. And I’ll be honest—my feelings about my last day are more mixed than I expected. Don’t get me wrong: I can’t wait to go and start my new job. I’m not second-guessing any of that. It’s just that, there’s a lot to think about as I wind down this one chapter of my life and prepare for the next.
Maybe you can relate.
In light of this, I wanted to take a moment to share a few thoughts about my last day:
God’s timing makes all the difference. If I’d made this change three years ago, I don’t know that I would have as positive an attitude about the change as I (hope) I do. I was going through a rough patch for a while, which didn’t help my attitude at or about work. I just wanted out. It wasn’t that I was passionate about going somewhere, just that I didn’t want to be where I was. Which is not the best. Even so, God has used the time to change my attitude in a lot of ways. To give me a greater appreciation for where I’ve been, and the opportunity to make some positive changes. His timing is better than mine, always.
Finishing well isn’t a cliché—it matters. Yeah, it’s a bit of a cliché, but it’s true: finishing well really, really matters. In every job I’ve had, I’ve tried to do this. I don’t want to be the guy who’s known for cutting corners, or checking out when time is running out. I will say, though that despite not wanting to, it’s really hard to not check out. Especially when you’ve been waiting for the change and are ready for what’s new. Lord willing, my coworkers will agree that I’ve not been wasting my time this last while. (Though they might tease about it.)
I’ve worked with some really great people. The team I’ve worked with through these last nearly nine years has changed a great deal, growing from three dudes in a basement to 10 extraordinarily talented (and funny) people. God has been very kind to us in this way.
I’m excited for their future. My transition presented my existing team with an opportunity to reinvent themselves as they figure out what a post-Aaron world looks like. I’ve seen a bit of where they’re moving, and it’s pretty cool. In fact, I almost wish I was a part of it. (Almost.)
I’m excited for my own future. But at the end of the day, I’m so glad I get to move on to my own new adventure. In all honesty, I’m really nervous about some of it. My predecessor set the bar extremely high for me. But I believe God’s going to use the next few years to grow and shape me and my family in ways I can’t begin to imagine. God has been good to me and my family here. God is going to continue to be good to us as we start the next chapter of our lives.
Saying goodbye isn’t easy. Anyone who says it is is kidding themselves. But I’m glad I get to say goodbye—and I hope I am doing it well.
Photo credit: woodleywonderworks via Visualhunt / CC BY