A few thoughts on Logos Cloud (review)


The first time I went to a Christian conference, I was introduced to Logos Bible Software. Okay, actually that’s not technically true: the first time I learned about it was on a now defunct podcast in which a pastor gushed over how wicked awesome it was. The first time I saw it in action, though, was during a break at the first big Christian conference I attended.

What I loved about it right away was how easy it made Bible study. With a quick search, I could suddenly access all kinds of information about any particular passage, from commentary notes, cultural context for the book, meaning of the original languages… I could even see which books in my library had a connection to the passage I was looking up!

But there was one little—okay kind of big—problem: I couldn’t afford it (at least not right away). The price of Logos has been a deterrent for many people I know. They’ve seen what it can do, and they know it’s worth it, but with limited personal and ministry budgets, it’s been hard for them to find the funds to make the purchase.

Then, Faithlife (the makers of Logos) went and did something brilliant: made it accessible to everyone with Logos Cloud, their new subscription-based tool:

A few weeks ago, the fine folks at Faithlife got in touch asking if I’d like to take Logos Cloud for a test drive and share my thoughts with y’all. Since my system updated, I’ve been playing around and checking out the tools. Here are a few quick thoughts:

The resources. With Logos Cloud, you have a comprehensive library of Christian living titles, Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, commentaries, and more in an easy-to-search digital format, allowing you to find exactly what you need incredibly quickly. And every month, new resources are added to your library, so you’ve always got what you need to study and write well.

I upgraded from a Logos 6 base package (one of the mid-range ones) with a Reformed Silver add-on, to the premium subscription of Logos Cloud. When I first opened the software, I was greeted to the news that a little more than 1500 resources were being added to my library. That was a significant upgrade for me, as it allows me access to a greater depth of knowledge, particularly surrounding the biblical languages. But what thrilled me was finding Spurgeon’s The Treasury of David in my library for the first time. That alone is worth the upgrade, as they’re widely considered to be his finest literary achievement. I was also surprised to see Barth’s Church Dogmatics, as well as the 23-volume Practical Works of Richard Baxter.

Interactive tools. One of the really cool things I’ve enjoyed playing with has been the interactive resources, such as the “before and after” site visualizer. What this tool allows you to do is actually pretty cool, showing you a biblical site as it exists today (and includes some interesting reading about the area), and allowing you to slide a representation of what it might have looked like during the biblical era.

Another great tool is one that’s existed for a while but been given an update in Logos Cloud: the timeline tool. What this allows you to do is examine any era and find the connections to the period at which a section of the Scriptures was written, discover the world views at play during particular eras, and more. Here’s a pretty cool video with more details on that:

More user-friendly. One of the things I’m most excited about with Logos Cloud is they’re working to make this version the most user-friendly version of the program, ever.Because everything is cloud-based, you can jump from your phone to your desktop to your tablet and back again, and never miss a beat. The interface is (gradually) improving, in that it’s slowly becoming more intuitive. The actual resource panels still need some work, but I imagine that when they switch to the full-on web-based platform (as mentioned in the introductory video), those will be given a major overhaul. One of the greatest helps is the training center on the Logos Cloud website. There, you’ll find tons of videos showing you how to use the tools that are available—including ones you might never touch unless you had some advice on how to use them!

No more complaining about the cost. Honestly, the biggest deal about Logos Cloud is the cost. With subscriptions starting at as little as $7.50 a month, virtually anyone interested in taking their Bible study to the next level can have access to this software. While not everyone can afford a premium subscription (or a professional one, for that matter), even the essentials plan would be a great addition to a student or writer’s resource kit.

Logos Cloud is simply the best update to Faithlife’s software line, and I’m looking forward to seeing how it helps me as I move into another season of preaching, studying, and writing. I’m also looking forward to seeing how it helps you in yours. Get started today with a free trial today.

Win a premium subscription to Logos Cloud

Today, I’m pleased to offer you a chance to win a one-year premium subscription to Logos Cloud. To enter, just use the handy-dandy Gleam app at the bottom of this post. The winner will be contacted by a representative from Faithlife, the makers of Logos Bible Software and sponsors of this giveaway.

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