Barnabas Piper on Reading Writers

When did we lose our sense of wonder?

Barnabas Piper on Reading Writers

As children, most of us were captivated by the world and everything in it. Every blade of grass, every cloud, ever unidentifiable brown thing on the ground… all of it intrigued us. We wanted to know what it was. We asked the question “why”… All. The. Time.

And somewhere along the way, we lost it, and started to think of things as boring. So how did this happen, and how can we get this sense of curiosity back? Barnabas Piper and I discuss this and more in the first part of a two-part conversation on today’s episode of Reading Writers.

Also in this episode, we discuss:

  • Where our wonder went;
  • The soothing power of taupe; and
  • What happened during Aaron’s first missions experience.

Be sure to check out Barnabas’ new book, The Curious Christian, as well as The Happy Rant, his podcast co-hosted by Ted Kluck and Ronnie Martin.

Thanks for listening to this episode of Reading Writers. If you enjoyed this episode, please consider leaving a rating and review on iTunes. Your feedback really does help more people find the show. Tune in next time as my conversation with Barnabas continues with how reading helps us be curious people.

1 thought on “When did we lose our sense of wonder?”

  1. Pingback: The Curious Christian

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