My next book: ‘I’m a Christian—Now What?’

It was 2005, and Emily and I had both just asked Jesus to save us. We looked at one another, both with the same question on our minds: “Now what?”

Neither of us were coming from families with legacies of faith. We weren’t people who had been taken to church as children who then wandered away shortly after college began. We were starting from scratch. But we didn’t know what that would mean. The people we met at our church tried to help and encourage us as much as they knew how, but there were many times when we were left scratching our heads.

It’s been more 17 years since that first, “Now what?” As I’ve tripped over my own feet, stumbling toward maturity, I can see many places where I wish someone had been able to tell me a little of what I know now sooner. To help me navigate some of the tricky waters of being an adult new believer.

But since I can’t go back in time, I decided to do it for someone else.

A mockup of the cover of my forthcoming book, I'm a Christian—Now What? (March 1, 2023 from Lexham Press)

Where to begin when you’ve begun with Christ

That’s what my next book, I’m a Christian—Now What? A Guide to Your New Life With Christ is all about. It is about where to begin when you’ve begun your life as a Christian. It is a practical and (I hope) friendly book that helps you take those important first steps as as new believer. This means it’s as much about the basics of developing healthy habits to grow your faith as it is figuring out how to navigate the world as a follower of Jesus. And it also provides guidance to more established Christians navigate making disciples in our increasingly post-post-Christian context.

“Now what?” (Or, how you can help support this book)

I’m a Christian—Now What? releases on March 1, 2023. I’ll be sharing more about this book in the weeks ahead, but for now, here’s what I would ask:

First, please pre-order the book. Get a copy for yourself, and one for someone you know—specifically an adult who is new to the Christian faith. Right now, you can do preorder directly through Lexham Press for a substantial savings. (It will soon be available to order through Amazon and other resellers as well.)

Second, pray that it gets into the hands of those who need it most. New believers—especially those coming to faith as adults—are increasingly likely to have no experience with Christianity whatsoever. They are blank slates, in many respects. We want to give them every opportunity to thrive as Christians. I pray that this book helps them do that. Would you pray along with me?

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