
My Next Book!

Since Awaiting a Savior was released, people have been asking, “Are you going to write another one?”

The short answer, is yes—and today, I get to tell you a little bit about it!

On June 1, 2012, my second book, Contend: Defending the Faith in a World Without Reason, will be released from Cruciform Press.

Here’s a quick summary of the book:

Contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints…” With these words, Jude issues an urgent command, one that we must heed in a day when virtually no aspect of the Christian faith goes unchallenged. But we don’t need more finger pointing or straw men. We need to recognize and respond to the real threats to the Church in a way that glorifies God and helps his people. We must contend. This book will show you how.

I’m really grateful to be working with Cruciform Press again on this title. The model is great (I’ve been subscribing since 2010 and it’s arguably the best $4 I spend in a month), I love working with the team—and, most importantly, the content is consistently excellent. It really is a privilege to be a part of the line-up of this young publishing company.

Look for more updates on Contend as we get closer to the release date, but for now, I hope you’ll pre-order a copy today!

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