New E-Book: Lessons from Nehemiah

Artwork © Justin Gerard. Used with permission.

Nehemiah is a book that has always interested me. The story of a Jewish servant, the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes, who asks the king to be released from his position so he can rebuild the walls of Jerusalem—and he wants the king to pay for it!

Truly, he has what one pastor calls “audacious faith.”

As I read through this great Old Testament book, I found I had pages and pages of notes covering the lessons I was learning. Those notes turned into the Lessons from Nehemiah series that was first published online in March, 2009 and now make up the content of this small book.

Best of all, it’s free for you to download and share with your friends and family!

This wasn’t an easy series to write. As it almost certainly should, writing Lessons from Nehemiah forced me to confront a great number of sins in my life, not the least of which being my attitude to authority and my stubbornness in leaving things in the care of our Sovereign Lord.

And as anyone who knows me will tell you, I continue to struggle in these areas. But I hope I’ve made progress.

Having said all that, Lessons from Nehemiah continues to be one of my favorite series of essays—and one I come back to periodically to remind myself of what God has taught me through His written Word.

I hope it’s a benefit to you as well.

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