One of my favorite times of the day, after coming home and greeting my family is seeing what mail has arrived. This is not because I love finding out how many bills are waiting for me, but because there’s often a new book waiting for me from one of the many Christian publishers out there (and occasionally from a not-Christian one). Here’s a look at some of the latest that have arrived, the first four of which are all on my list of books I’m looking forward to reading this year:
Batman by Ed Brubaker Vol. 1 (DC Comics). This one might be a cheat since I bought it. Nevertheless, I’m really looking forward to sitting down some weekend soon and reading this. Should be loads of fun! (Amazon)
Unashamed by Lecrae (B&H Publishing). I’ve heard really good things about Unashamed from those who’ve read it thus far. Lecrae is a pretty polarizing figure among some evangelicals who either aren’t sure about the whole Christian rap thing, or are concerned about him “going soft” on Jesus for the sake of notoriety. It’ll be interesting to see what I take away from it. (Amazon)
Church in Hard Places by Mez McConnell & Mike McKinley (Crossway). Ministry among those in need is a subject that’s near and dear to me (as you can imagine), so it’s great to see theologically astute authors like McConnell and McKinley offering “biblical guidelines and practical strategies for reaching those on the margins of our society with the gospel of Jesus Christ.” (Amazon | Westminster Bookstore)
How to Be an Atheist: Why Many Skeptics Aren’t Skeptical Enough by Mitch Stokes (Crossway). As I said when I mentioned it in my books to read list, this one got my attention just for the title. “Making the case for a more complete skepticism that questions the assumptions of Christians and non-Christians, this book winsomely shows how Christianity offers the best explanation for the world, humanity, and morality.” (Amazon)
The Miracles of Jesus by Vern Poythress (Crossway). “By explaining the meaning and significance of all 26 miracles recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, New Testament scholar Vern Poythress … unpacks for us how understanding the meaning of Christ’s miracles will help us better grasp the salvation God has brought into the world.” (Amazon | Westminster Bookstore)
The Whole Christ by Sinclair B. Ferguson (Crossway). “By revisiting the Marrow Controversy—a famous but largely forgotten eighteenth–century debate related to the proper relationship between God’s grace and our works—Sinclair B. Ferguson sheds light on this central issue and why it still matters today. In doing so, he explains how our understanding of the relationship between law and gospel determines our approach to evangelism, our pursuit of sanctification, and even our understanding of God himself.” (Amazon | Westminster Bookstore)
Church History for Modern Ministry by Dayton Hartman (Lexham Press). I love church history, and I’m always on the lookout for good books related to it. This one looks really promising because its focused on why we need to care about history in our current ministry context. (Amazon | Logos)