One of my favorite times of the day, after coming home and greeting my family, is seeing what mail has arrived. This is not because I love finding out how many bills are waiting for me, but because there’s often a new book waiting for me from one of the many Christian publishers out there (and occasionally from a not-Christian one). Here’s a look at several that have arrived over the last few weeks which are pretty all over the map:
All Authority by Joey Shaw (B&H Publishing). “On the basis of his authority, [Jesus] commissioned his people to go and make disciples among every people group on earth. This is an impossible commission if it were not for the promise that he is with them forever. The doctrine of the supreme authority of Christ not only upholds the work of the church, it is the central message that the church preaches.”
Understanding the Congregation’s Authority by Jonathan Leeman (B&H Publishing). “Congregationalism has a bad rap for well-known reason… But biblical congregationalism isn’t so much about the meetings. It’s about empowering the whole church to promote and protect the gospel.”
Tell Someone by Greg Laurie (B&H Publishing). Written not to “make you feel bad or condemn you if you have not engaged others with the gospel message,” Laurie wants to offer biblical principles for evangelism that you can apply as you seek to tell someone about Jesus.
God Dreams by Will Mancini and Warren Bird (B&H Publishing). “In this groundbreaking work, based on Will Mancini’s 15 years and over 10,000 hours of church team facilitation, God Dreams reveals a simple and powerful planning method that will bring energy and focus to your church like never before.”
A Spirituality of Listening by Keith R. Anderson (IVP). “Rather than settling for a one-sided relationship with God in which we speak but never hear back, we can learn to hear God as we go through our lives. The key is paying attention to the moments that make up our days.”
A Peculiar Glory by John Piper (Crossway). The first major release from John Piper in about five years, this one promises to be an accessible but profound defense of the truthfulness of the Scriptures.
Visual Theology by Tim Challies and Josh Byers (Zondervan). This is a book I’ve been looking forward to for a long time (though not as long as Tim and Josh). I’ve flipped through it and it’s quite beautiful (look for a review in April). (Incidentally, there’s a great pre-order special going on with this book right now—head over to for details.)