Neon sign that says "change", representing the message of the post.

A personal update

Five years, one month, and 24 days ago, I started the job that changed my life: I began working for Lifeway Christian Resources as the Brand Manager of The Gospel Project.

Since 2016, it’s been one of the most difficult and rewarding professional roles I have held. Every day gave me the opportunity to serve the church as a champion for gospel-centered ministry on an international scale. To write content, to occasionally speak, to produce videos—to work with some of the most brilliant and faithful people you’ve maybe never heard of. All for this one goal: to help people of all ages read and study the Bible with Jesus at its center.

Disruptive, stressful, & joyful

It’s the job that I disrupted my entire life for. And not just mine: my family and friends were all affected. Moving to a new country is one thing. Moving smack dab into the middle of the Bible Belt is something else altogether.

We had to learn a new culture, make all-new friends, and find a church to call home. We dealt with constant paperwork from the United States government, had issues with the Canadian government, had one crisis that almost sent us back to Canada early on,1 all on top of me learning a new job and new work culture. Through all the challenges the organization has gone through in the last few years, with difficult decisions brought about by changes in buying behavior, leadership transitions,2 and the ongoing effects of this little thing called the COVID-19 pandemic, my job has brought as much joy as it has stress, anxiety, and health issues.3

Why? Because, when it comes down to it, it was the place I was supposed to be.

“I’m here until my time is done”

This is my last Friday as an employee of Lifeway.

On Monday, I start a new job with another organization.

When I started at Lifeway, I didn’t know if it would be a forever thing. I don’t believe in making proclamations about such things, saying, “I will do this until the day I retire or die.” I prefer to say, “I will do this until the Lord makes it clear that my time is done.”

In all honesty, I hoped it would be the job, the one where I would be through the end. I believe in the value of The Gospel Project. I genuinely believe that, insomuch as there is a right way to study the Bible, this is the way to do so. That reading it with Jesus as the focus is what makes the Bible make sense (and, after all, he certainly seemed to believe it as well). I care about the people I have worked with for the last five years. And although it might sound like bragging, I’m good at my job (really good).

Even so, through a number of different circumstances, the Lord made it clear that my time is done.

So, I am moving on.

Looking forward to the next phase

Monday starts a new phase in my professional and personal life. I’ll be in a job that is significantly more behind the scenes than my work with Lifeway but still focused on helping people to engage with the Bible meaningfully. I am excited about that.

But what I’m more excited about is the opportunity this provides for me to serve better my family, my church, and the broader church. The change has some positive benefits for my family (reestablishing some rhythms and boundaries between work and home).4 There are new ministry opportunities in my local church that I can invest in. And I’m starting to have things I want to write about again.

Choosing to leave wasn’t easy, but it seems to be the right one.

Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

  1. I won’t go into detail about it here and I’ve never spoken about it publicly; maybe someday. ↩︎
  2. For those who’ve never been through one, there is no such thing as a perfectly smooth transition, and it typically takes years for one to be finished. ↩︎
  3. I may be sharing about this in the future; if you’ve seen my Instagram, you’ve no doubt seen that I look a lot different, in a good way, than I did 12 months ago. ↩︎
  4. And yes, that means that I’m staying in Tennessee—being a permanent resident has its benefits. ↩︎

1 thought on “A personal update”

  1. Amen brother. Many blessings as you embark on what our family calls, another adventure. I’m looking forward to hearing about all the Lord is continuing to do in yours and your families lives.
    Also, I’m glad to hear you are safe from your accident and you were able to get another vehicle.
    Have an amazing day Eh!

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