Personality profiles, the Enneagram, and Chicken Dave Schroeder

There are a lot of different personality profiles out there. Some folks swear by Myers-Briggs (e.g. INTJ), while others the DiSC profile, StrengthsFinders, or one of the 78,000 other options out there to label ourselves. So on today’s episode, we invited our friend and colleague, Jenaye White to join us on the show to discuss the Enneagram. (Do we need a trigger warning?)

Listen in to the first of a two-part conversation where we discuss:

  • What Jenaye appreciates about the Enneagram (and how she first learned about it)
  • The results of our survey about Dave’s increasingly hilarious nicknames
  • How “ancient” are the ancient roots of the Enneagram
  • Why you shouldn’t be the person who labels people by a personality profile

But don’t worry, we make sure we talk about books in there, too!

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A few of the books we share on the show today include:

Bonus content: Read Jenaye’s post that inspired this discussion from LifeWay Books. And meet Chicken Dave Schroeder, who is apparently still alive:

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