
Random bits of randomness


Every so often, I need to do a bit of a brain-dump. Nothing terribly structured, just clearing out the mess of things floating around in my head. I can’t promise anything coherent, but there may be something worth considering:

The Final Countdown is the soundtrack of my life right now. Lots of big things all coming together in the next couple of months, I hope. That’s really all I can say. Pray hard if you don’t mind, y’all.

Because of course it is. It is exactly no surprise that this is the episode of The Hero of the Story that’s been listened to the least. Finances have that effect.

My heart hurts. Reading Beth Moore’s experience, my Twitter-friend Kristen’s, thinking on a conversation I had with Jen Wilkin back in March… There’s a lot there, and I don’t know that I have the right words to say. But there is probably one thing worth sharing now: As a dad, I don’t want my girls feeling as though they are second-class citizens of the kingdom of God, and I never want my son believing it’s acceptable to treat any woman the way these three, and so many others, have been.

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