Well, it finally happened: production issues caused the first-ever delay on Reading Writers. (Look for that tomorrow.) Instead, today, I’m going to go a little listicle on y’all, and give you a glimpse at my nightstand.
Now, as longtime readers know, I usually have multiple books on the go. In fact, if you look at my Goodreads page, there are a bunch on there (though a few haven’t been touched in a little while). Some of what I read is not terribly profound. Much of it is fun and goofy. A few are pretty heavy—the sort where you read a few pages and then set it down for a while (hence the not being touched).
But whatever I’m reading almost always provokes some kind of reaction—be it a burning question surrounding the content, something legitimately profound (which happens every once in a while), or something that barely relates to whatever I’ve just read. This is a good thing, of course, because if they didn’t, they wouldn’t be very good, now would they?
So, here’s a glimpse at what’s on the go:
Grayson Vol. 4: A Ghost in the Tomb by Tom King & Tim Seeley, and Mikel Janin (DC Comics). I can only imagine that DC’s take on the original Robin turned superspy was painful to read in the single issue format. The storytelling is definitely slowburn, as I’ve read, the more compelling it’s become.
Conscience by Andy Naselli and JD Crowley (Crossway). This right here is gold:
In regard to looking down on others, we must also be careful not to assume that Christians who abstain from a particular activity are doing so out of a weak conscience.… Some people . . . have strong consciences on many issues but intentionally refrain from exercising their liberty in order to edify those around them. They contextualize in order to serve others. (100)
That sounds positively biblical, doesn’t it?[1. It should: Philippians 2:3b-4 speaks to this well. “…in humility consider others as more important than yourselves. Everyone should look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”] Looking forward to processing the rest of this book (and talking to Andy on Reading Writers soon).
The Warden and the Wolf King by Andrew Peterson (Rabbit Room Press). I just finished this one. If I were the “crying at books” type, I’d have been more than a little misty by the end of this one. It will make you feel feelings!
None Like Him by Jen Wilkin (Crossway). I love writers like Jen Wilkin who remind us that it isn’t a foregone conclusion that complementarian convictions prevent women from exercising their spiritual gifts.
This is a Book About the Kids in the Hall by John Semley (ECW Press). I just finished this one, too. I grew up watching “The Kids in The Hall” on the CBC, so I have a soft spot for them. It’s often funny and fairly crass in places, alongwith this deep sense of sadness that runs through the book. But man, the author definitely proves the futility of his brand of “progressivism” as a worldview, flabbergasted by the idea that life might actually require us to develop thicker skins, instead of demanding safe spaces and trigger warnings and whatnot. And this might be the saddest thing of all.
Photo credit: Daniel Glo via Flickr (Creative Commons)