Randy Alcorn addresses the question of consistency among younger pro-life evangelicals when it comes to their stance on the sanctity of life. Very thought provoking stuff here.
Check it the video and share your thoughts in the comments:
[vodpod id=Groupvideo.6545996&w=425&h=350&fv=poster%3Dfiles%2Frandy-alcorn-3.jpg%26videourl%3Dfiles%2Fvideo%2FRandy-Alcorn-PM%2FSequence%25203_big.flv%26title1%3DAre+Young+Pro-Life+Evangelicals+Inconsistent%3F]
Are Young Pro-Life Evangelicals Inconsistent? |…, posted with vodpod
HT: The Resurgence
Inconsistent on creating a “culture of life”? How about a certain recently retired pseudo-Christian Republican president who dragged a nation into an intractable conflict in Iraq, which has killed thousands of soldiers and civilians over the past 7.5 years? What’s worse, he did this based on bad intelligence, and enhanced this with bold faced lies. And how about pro-lifers who get aroused at the notion of executing retarded kids in Texas? Oh wait, that was the retired Republican president too. Before you ask, I oppose abortion on demand, mainly because it’s the destruction of a human life, and utterly contrary to the wishes and work of the suffragettes.
Thanks Ann – I’m grateful for the willingness of men like Randy Alcorn to speak up on this issue in a Christ-exalting manner.
Thank you for posting such a thoughtful commentary that is starting relevant to today’s church.
All’s grace,
Ann Voskamp
Contributing Editor @ High Calling Blogs