Dan Darling joins me on this week's episode of Reading Writers

[Reading Writers] Dan Darling on reading to engage the culture

Dan Darling joins me on this week's episode of Reading Writers

Jesus is more popular than ever—but which Jesus? Today, I’m joined by Dan Darling, author of The Original Jesus, to discuss the Jesuses of our own imagining, and how reading helps us as we seek to show the real Jesus to the culture around us on Reading Writers.

Books and resources mentioned in this episode

And be sure to follow Dan on Twitter at @DanDarling.

Who will be on the next episode of Reading Writers?

Next week, Gloria Furman, author of Missional Motherhood, joins me to discuss how busy mothers can find time to read, a broader meaning of motherhood, and what beverage goes best with Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics.

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Thanks for listening to this week’s episode of Reading Writers!

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