Reading Writers with Eric Geiger

[Reading Writers] How do we develop leaders in the church?

Reading Writers with Eric Geiger

I don’t know anyone who would say they’ve got leadership development figured out. In fact, I know more people who would say they’re making it up as they go along or are trying to figure out how to develop leaders intentionally. But does leadership development really matter—and how can leaders be equipped to develop other leaders? Eric Geiger and I discuss this and more on today’s episode of Reading Writers.

In this episode, you’ll hear

  • Why leadership development in the church really matters;
  • The best way to have lunch with your favorite author;
  • The role of reading in leadership development; and
  • The sum total of my knowledge of football.

A few of the books and resources discussed in this episode

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Thanks for listening to this week’s episode of Reading Writers!

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