This is it: after a hiatus in December, Reading Writers is back with our season finale! Today, Emily joins me for a look back at three favorite funny moments on the podcast (and possibly create a few new ones along the way). Listen in as we look back on:
- The time Brandon Smith and I got into a heated discussion about Batman;
- When Emily confused Norm MacDonald for Rick Moranis (but really meant someone else entirely); and
- AÂ silly, never-before-heard moment as Kevin Peck and I learn we’re both super-nerds.
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What’s coming up
For the next few weeks, I’ll be sharing a few best-of episodes, featuring pieces of advice offered throughout the series so far. Following that, look for season two to begin in the Spring.
Subscribing, sharing, and your feedback
You can subscribe to Reading Writers via iTunes, Google Play, Stitcher, or your favorite podcast catcher. Please also consider leaving a rating and review on iTunes. This only takes a second and will go a long way to helping other people find the show. Finally, if you know someone who would benefit from listening, share it on your favorite social media network.
You can also connect with me on Twitter at @aaronstrongarm, on Facebook or via email to share your feedback.
Thanks for listening to season one of Reading Writers!