Reading writers: What to read on the most important doctrine ever

[Reading Writers] Reading on the most important doctrine ever

Reading writers: What to read on the most important doctrine ever

So about a month and a half ago, the Christian blogosphere and social media world went crazy in a debate over the Trinity—and specifically, God the Son’s relationship to God the Father. After reading many articles, tweets, and so on, the only definite conclusion I’ve been able to come to is that it was wise to keep my mouth shut. After all, the Trinity is one of the most difficult doctrines of the Christian faith to even begin to wrap your head around.

Today, Brandon Smith, co-author of Rooted, and my co-worker at LifeWay Christian Resources, joins me to talk about what books Christians wanting to learn more about this incredibly important topic should read, as well as to settle a debate we started on Twitter the other night.

In this episode, you’ll hear

  • What is the point in studying the Trinity at all;
  • Where to find classic books online; and
  • Which Batman movie is really the best.

A few of the books and resources discussed in this episode

What’s happening on the next episode of the podcast?

Barring any complications, I’ll be joined by Philip Nation, author of Habits For Our Holiness, to discuss reading’s role in our spiritual formation.

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Thanks for listening to this week’s episode of Reading Writers!

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