Reading Writers with Jared Wilson

[Reading Writers] Jared Wilson: calling, creativity & evanglism

Reading Writers with Jared Wilson

A pastor might be a great preacher, but great preachers aren’t always great writers—so should they be writing books? Today, Jared Wilson and I discuss this and more in the first part of a two part discussion (yes, a two part!) on Reading Writers.

In this episode, you’ll hear:

  • Why calling and gifting really matter for ministry, creativity and writing;
  • Why Unparalleled didn’t feel like it was written for me (in a good way);
  • The assumptions we make when we’re talking to people;
  • Who he wanted to read The Story of Everything; and
  • What happened when Jared left a copy of Unparalleled for the Mormon missionaries when they were coming by the house.

A few of the books and resources discussed in this episode

You can follow Jared on Twitter at @JaredCWilson. And be sure to stick around to the very end of the episode for a special bonus.

Who will be on the next episode of Reading Writers?

Next week, Jared and I continue our conversation, delving into some pretty serious stuff as we talk about comic books, storytelling, and how reading helps us become better listeners.

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Want to sponsor a future episode of Reading Writers? Send me a note and let’s talk.

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Thanks for listening to this week’s episode of Reading Writers!

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