Reading Writers ep 5, featuring Stephen Miller

Reading Writers: Stephen Miller on Liberating King, worship, & Love Does

Reading Writers ep 5, featuring Stephen Miller

Welcome to the fifth episode of Reading Writers. Each week, I’ll be speaking with Christian authors and writers about what they’re writing, but also about what they’re reading—and how reading widely can help us grow as believers, as creators and disciple-makers.

What you’ll hear in this episode

This week, I’m joined by Stephen Miller. Stephen is the worship pastor at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas, a recording artist (with five albums and counting to his name), and the author of two books, Worship Leaders, We Are Not Rock Stars and Liberating King. 

Listen in as we discuss:

  • Why listening to audiobooks totally counts toward your reading;
  • How Jesus wants to rescue us from a truncated view of worship;
  • What it’s like to serve in a very established church; and
  • How Bob Goff challenged him to be more available as a father.

Books and resources mentioned in this episode

You can also follow Stephen on Twitter at @StephenMiller, and for more information on his music, visit

Who will be on the next episode of Reading Writers?

Next week, I’ll be joined by Daniel Darling to discuss the Jesuses we create in our own image, reading lots of great books and the importance of cultural engagement. It’s a fun one!

Sponsoring Reading Writers

If you are interested in sponsoring a future episode of Reading Writers, let’s chat. Send me a note and we’ll get started.

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Thanks for listening to this week’s episode of Reading Writers!

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