Can reading help you become a better listener—and what can we gain from reading about the experiences of people of different ethnicities or backgrounds? Today, Jared Wilson and I discuss this and more in part two of our discussion on Reading Writers.
In this episode, you’ll hear:
- Why Jared’s becoming a comic book guy (again), and how he has to force himself to avoid reading ruts;
- What he learned reading about the science of fear; and
- Why it’s a great idea to read books like Ta-Neshi Coates’ Between the World and Me.
A few of the books and resources discussed in this episode
- The many books written Jared Wilson
- Between the World and Me by Ta-Neshi Coates
- Black Panther by Ta-Neshi Coates and Brian Stelfreeze
- Black Widow by Mark Waid and Chris Samnee
- Dispatches by Michael Herr
- No Name: A Novel by Wilkie Collins
- The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
- The Science of Fear by Daniel Gardner
Be sure to follow Jared on Twitter at @JaredCWilson.
What’s happening on the next episode of Reading Writers?
The next episode is going to be a slight break in format as I share a bit about how I find time to read, and share a little about a few of the books I’m reading right now.
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Want to sponsor a future episode of Reading Writers? Send me a note and let’s talk.
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Thanks for listening to this week’s episode of Reading Writers!