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We’re not going to lie: this whole social distancing thing is taking its toll on us here at (mal)Contents HQ. Dave’s wearing Tina Turner’s outfit from Thunderdome, I’m preparing to put spikes on my car, and Scarlet is… raising chickens and going to the urgent care clinic.
It’s a dark time, as you can imagine. But still, you might be surprised at how fun this one is, especially when we discuss:
- Back alley book shopping (I’m not even joking)
- The new—and very real—project I’m working on
- If McKay’s is still open during this season
- Our plans for living in a dystopian nightmare
- Why we need sucker punch 2020
All this and Dave references Good to Great.
The books we’re reading right now
- The Amazing Adventures of Cavalier and Klay by Michael Chabon
- Batman Universe by Brian Michael Bendis and Nick Derington
- Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson
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