Is social media the worst, or are we? What if the answer is yes? Our friend Chris Martin joins us to talk about all things social media and give us the inside track on his upcoming book on the subject on this episode. Listen in as we discuss:
- What social media does to people’s brains
- Why social media actually isn’t morally neutral
- How Neil Postman speaks to the effects of social media despite writing more than 20 years before it became part of our lives
- Which algorithm is more sinister: Facebook’s or everyone else’s?
Also, Dave and Chris talks about baseball for a long time at the beginning of this episode. So if you don’t care, just skip the first 5 minutes or so. But you will miss out on Scarlet and I griping about it, so…
A few of the books mentioned on today’s episode
- The Attention Merchants by Tim Wu
- Humility by Andrew Murray
- Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now by Jaron Lanier
- Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman
- Juiced by Jose Canseco
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