I was struck by something I read in Matthew 28. To give some context, Jesus has risen, and commanded that His disciples meet Him in Galilee. So they go, and when they get there, this is what Matthew records:
And when they saw him they worshiped him, but some doubted.
Matthew 28:17
Some doubt.
The same Jesus who, just days before, was beaten beyond human likeness.Who was nailed to a roman cross.
Whose heart was pierced by a spear to confirm His death. Whose body was wrapped in linens and sealed in a tomb for days.
Standing before them. Literally, physically.
“But some doubted.”
It’s amazing to read this. I mean, I can understand a person today who doesn’t believe that Jesus is alive today. They can’t see Him. Feel Him. Speak directly to Him.
But these people… He stood
And they still doubted.
This is a really important reminder for me. Without the Holy Spirit’s interventionâwithout God opening our eyes and enabling us to actually see and understand the gospelâwe cannot believe.
We can examine incontrovertible evidence and still shrug our shoulders, saying, “Yeah… still not sure about that.”
Unless the Holy Spirit intervenes.
Oddly, there’s a great deal of comfort to be found here. There can be a lot of pressure that comes with evangelism and sharing our faith. Maybe we’ve been exposed to the notion that if you’re not leading X number of people to make a profession of faith every year, you’re not a good Christian & there’s something wrong with your relationship with Jesusâa notion of needing to make notches on your spiritual belt.
But this verse, among many, many others, reminds us that we can do the best job living Christ and proclaiming Him, but unless the Spirit opens a person’s eyes, they will still doubt.
Thanks for the feedback, all. Very thankful you’ve all found this profitable. I hope you’re all having an excellent day.
I appreciate this so much. I figure that if a follower of Jesus can have doubt, then it leaves a lot of hope for us now.
It really all comes down to the Holy Ghost. Without him, so little happens.
Well written post and a good reminder to all of us. Thanks!
Awesome…and intriguing.