Spooky Season, Christmas, & Mormons at the Door

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It’s almost Halloween, and we’re talking… well, we’re talking Christmas, apparently. But not intentionally. Dave wanted to talk about Halloween and spooky books, but we don’t really read those all that often. We don’t even watch those movies. So, instead we have some fun talking through some listener questions! Listen in as we discuss:

  • What happened when Mormons came to the door while we were recording
  • If Scarlet and her girls have read Bunnicula
  • What books we read around Christmas times
  • Unexpected Christmas books from unlikely authors
  • How we feel about book clubs (a longer discussion can and should be listened to here)
  • The Christmas songs that annoy me (Aaron) the most

All this and a whole bunch of apologies from… well, you’ll see.

A few of the books we mentioned on this episode

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