Stewardship Lessons from a Broken Couch

This weekend we had an unexpected event occur: Our ten-year-old Klippan sofa broke. The couch has had a good run, lasting us through multiple homes, multiple small groups and literally thousands of bounces from energetic toddlers. While this was certainly an unexpected event, we also didn’t expect to learn some things about stewardship as we went shopping for a replacement.

In light of all this, Emily and I sat down to share a bit of what God’s been teaching us about stewardship and possessions:

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Here’s the quote again from Money, Possessions, and Eternity by Randy Alcorn that Emily shared in the video:

The reality of eternal rewards inevitably fosters an investment mentality. For instance, with $15,000 I may be able to buy a new car. With the same money, I could help translate the Scriptures for an unreached people group, support church planting, feed the hungry in the name of Christ, get gospel literature distributed in Southeast Asia, or send out multiple Nigerian or Indian missionary families, and support them full-time for a year. If I have an investment mentality, I ask myself, What’s the better investment for eternity?

Of course, it may be God’s will for me to buy a car. True, a car used for his purposes can also be an investment in the kingdom. But I must be careful not to rationalize. A used car or no car at all may serve his kingdom purposes equally well or far better—and allow me to make an investment in heaven that will never get scratched, dented, stolen, or totaled. And if I invest the money in his kingdom and ask him to provide a car at little or no expense, might he choose to do that? Why wouldn’t I give him the chance?

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