If the name Kermit Gosnell is unfamiliar to you, you’re not alone. You’ve probably not seen his name on CNN. You’ve likely not read an article about him in the New York Times.
So who is Kermit Gosnell? Arguably the greatest serial killer in American history.
In 2013, Gosnell was convicted of the murder of three infants born alive in his Philidelphia medical clinic, as well as 16 counts of violating the state’s informed consent requirements, and guilty of 21 counts of performing abortions after 24 weeks of gestation, the legal limit in Pennsylvania.
But the 24 lives represented in Gosnell’s conviction are not his only victims. Over the course of his 30-year career, he performed thousands of abortions. No one knows how many healthy, full-term babies were murdered by Gosnell. But the mainstream didn’t feel his trial warranted our attention.
Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer, best known for their documentary FrackNation, want to change that.
They’ve launched a crowdfunding project to make a documentary about Gosnell and the media cover-up surrounding his trial. And already, the project’s made wavesânotably for being booted off of Kickstarter before finding a home at Indiegogo.
As of this writing, they’re about three-quarters of the way to their goal. Recently, my wife and I chose to support the project. We want to see this documentary get made. And while there are many reasons you should support the making of this film, here’s the reason I felt it was important:
Collectively, we need to be confronted by the atrocity of abortion.
Every year, abortion takes the lives of millions of children around the world. In 2011, around 1.06 million abortions were performed in America alone. This is something we collectively sweep under the rug as a society. And no wonder, when you consider what the grand jury said in its report:
This case is about a doctor who killed babies … What we mean is that he regularly and illegally delivered live, viable, babies in the third trimester of pregnancy â and then murdered these newborns by severing their spinal cords with scissors …. Over the years, many people came to know that something was going on here. But no one put a stop to it.  (Report of the Grand Jury)
Conservative Christians are often given a lot of flak for making a big deal out of abortion, but consider for a moment that we’re called to “speak up for those who have no voice, for the justice of all who are dispossessed” (Proverbs 31:8 HCSB). This means Christians are necessarily called to speak into a whole host of social issues, bringing gospel light into the darkest corners of society. We’re to speak about poverty, sex trafficking and child slavery⌠we’re to defend the need for the poor to have access of all the basics of life.
And that means we must speak about the most basic needâthe right to live.Â
I hesitated on reprinting that excerpt of the report, which I think says something, doesn’t it? Abortion is unpleasant business. It’s not something we like to think aboutâthe taking of a life. It’s murder, plain and simple. We need to be confronted by that fact, especially those of us Christians who are afraid to speak out on this issue, not with words of condemnation but of convictionâwords that bring the power of the gospel to bear on the matter. To see hearts and minds changed, not because an argument has been won, but because people have been won over by Jesus.
The Gosnell documentary won’t be made for this purposeâbut what I’m confident it will do is challenge the complacency of many regarding the issue of abortion. It will rattle them. And maybe then some real discussion can start happening.
After their enthusiastic support of the National Abortion Federation’s practice of stabbing the baby in the back of the neck during a vaginal delivery, it makes them look like they have a double standard when they condemn a man (who worked part time at a National Abortion Federation clinic, no less) for his practice of stabbing the baby in the back of the neck just after a vaginal delivery. If nothing else they should credit Gosnell for using a method that was safer for the mother, since there was no risk of the scissors slipping and injuring her.
It’s true that this man is a terrible human being and a serial killer; but don’t forget that every single one of those “mothers” is just as guilty of murder as he is. The women who participated with him in those murders should be on trial also. Why are they getting a free pass?