Take Some of My Books!

Wednesday night, I started packing up my books (long story). While packing up, I found a whack of books that need to not be in my house anymore.

There are a few that just need to not be read by anyone ever again (they’re not as bad as, say, The Power or The Shack, but they’re pretty high up there on the “killing your brain cells” chart)… but there are a few others that I’m either not going to be reading again or have extra copies of.

Rather than go to the local second-hand bookstore, I wanted to offer you, dear readers, the opportunity to take some of my books!

Here are the ones I’m giving away:

Seeds of Turmoil by Bryant Wright (read the review)

Once an Arafat Man by Tass Saada (read the review)

Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges

Hear No Evil by Matthew Paul Turner (read the review)

Free Book by Brian Tome (read the review)

Plan B by Pete Wilson (read the review)

Too Small To Ignore by Wess Stafford

As you can see, it’s a pretty diverse bunch of books.

So here’ the deal: Tell me which ones you want and they’re yours. That’s pretty much it.

Are there any restrictions? Only that I’m going to give preferential treatment to anyone who lives nearby so I can save on postage 🙂

Start calling dibs in the comments and let me know before the end of the week, otherwise they might end up on some unsuspecting person’s doorstep!

UPDATE: All the books have been claimed. Thanks for taking some of my books!

7 thoughts on “Take Some of My Books!”

  1. If Amber, Jacob and Jennifer could kindly send me mailing instructions I would greatly appreciate it – head on over to the contact page and you’ll be laughing!

  2. Well, I’m in the US, but if nobody wants “Hear No Evil” and/or “Plan B”, I’ll take’m from you… but if somebody else wants them, no worries.

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