What are we supposed to do about poverty?
An entire generation has been driven by this question to take action on behalf of the poor through social and political action as they seek to become the generation that ends poverty forever. But in pursuit of this goal, many Christians risk losing sight of the greater reality: that poverty isn’t something we can end on our own.
Only Jesus can.
For the last eight and a half years, I’ve worked for Christian charity serving children who live in some of the poorest communities in the world. As such, I’ve spent a long time exploring this subject to really understand what the Bible says. That exploration led to my first book, Awaiting a Savior: The Gospel, the New Creation and the End of Poverty.
Connecting poverty to the gospel story, Awaiting a Savior offers readers a theological foundation to complements the practical encouragements of books like When Helping Hurts. And this foundation is rooted not in a desire to make a name for ourselves or defeatism, but in hope of the new creation: the promise that someday, Jesus will return to bring about a new world and wipe away every tear from every eye. And it’s this foundation, this hope, that drives us to acts of mercy and compassion—and to see every act of kindness as an act of worship toward our risen Savior.
What are people saying?
“I found myself tearing up time after time in this book and want to give it to every person I know who asks the question, ‘What can I do about the problem of poverty!?’”
—Lore Ferguson Wilbert, writer, blogger
“Challenging our own idolatry, our own motivations, and our own actions, Awaiting a Savior reorients our mercy ministry around the gospel, seeking to show how a life of love is the overflow of a grace-filled heart.”
—Trevin Wax, Managing Editor of The Gospel Project, author of Clear Winter Nights and Counterfeit Gospels
“Aaron Armstrong brilliantly brings us back to Genesis and delivers a theologically robust vision for obeying the Scriptures’ command to help the poor while living in anxious anticipation of Christ’s coming Kingdom.”
—Daniel Darling, Vice President of Communications, ERLC, author of The Original Jesus
“Aaron does a stellar job of unpacking the theological issues of this dreadful plight and brings hope to a hopeless topic.”
—Barry Slauenwhite, President /CEO, Compassion Canada
Get Awaiting a Savior on sale this weekend
In recognition of the World Day of Social Justice, Awaiting a Savior is on sale in all formats from February 19–21. Get the Kindle edition at Amazon for $2.99, or get it in any eBook format for $1.99, or a print edition for $4.99 from the Cruciform Press store. To get the discount, use coupon codes awaiting-ebook-2016 and awaiting-print-2016 at checkout (limit seven per purchase).